July 14, 2018

EB5 Investors Magazine is organizing in Los Angeles EB-5 Convention at The Westin Bonaventure Hotel and Suites on July 23-24, 2018.

This two-day educational, networking event will host a gathering of broker-dealers, developers, immigration and securities attorneys, migration agents, regional centers and other EB-5 program stakeholders.

The conference not only about EB-5 but speakers and panelist are coming from all over the world to talk about Residency & Citizenship program of various countries.

The event will also feature special guest speakers and sponsorship opportunities.

The lawyer from our law firm Mr. Prashant Ajmera will be speaking at this conference as one of the panelist speaker at India : Market Spot Light. www.ajmeralaw.com

More information about this conference can be fond at Read More

March 2, 2018

Our law firm and its founder is regularly invited to speak, moderate a panel,  advise on organizing RCI conference and events, contribute articles, etc. on a regular basis. For the complete list click here. 


News and Updates about our law firm. 

Law office of Prashant Ajmera & Associates is now featured in THE CEO Magazine of India as one of the Brand to watch for in the year 2018. 


Law office of Prashant Ajmera & Associates is Recommended Firm by Global Law Experts in the area of Residency and Citizenship by Investment – India.


17th & 18th May 2018 – Mumbai – Hotel St. Régis

Law office of Prashant Ajmera & Associates will be speaking and Exhibiting at the www.ielpe.com show in Mumbai St Régies Hotel

21st and 22nd Feb. 2018 – J. W. Marriott Sahar, Mumbai, India

Law office of Prashant Ajmera & Associates will be exhibiting at the TIE Global Summit from 21-22 Feb. 2018 at J W Marriott, Sahar, Hotel in Mumbai, India.  


27 & 28 Feb. 2018 

Prashant Ajmera speaking the Immigration conference organized by BLS Media of UK on 27-28 Feb. 2018 at J. W. Marriott Hotel, (Juhu) , India. 


25th & 26th Feb. 2018 – Dubai – Hotel Shangri-La

Prahsant Ajmera speaking at the Immigration Investment Summit MENA in Dubai on 25th Feb. 2018 at Hotel Shangri-La.

21st Dec. 2017

Law Firm of the Prashant Ajmera & Associates awarded Law firm of the year from India in the area of the Immigration & Nationality for the year 2017. 

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