Find your eligibility
1. The Entrepreneur Category
Program requirements:
- Applicants must have a minimum of CD$500,000 in net business and personal assets.
- Applicants must have a minimum of three years of relevant business management or entrepreneurial experience gained in the past ten years.
- Applicants must invest a minimum of CD$300,000 in Regina and Saskatoon or a minimum of CD$200,000 in other Saskatchewan communities.
- There is no specific age requirement but preferred age is between 21-54 years.
- There is no specific education and language requirement, but points will be awarded for education and English language proficiency (CLB level 4, IELTS – R-3.5, W-4.0, L-4.5, S-4.0) if adequate proof is provided.
- Applicants must have a detailed business plan which indicates –
- Applicant’s plan to establish a business that aligns with the points assigned in the Entrepreneur Category Points Grid, if applicable (for investment amount and sector).
- Applicant’s ownership of at least one third (33.33%) of the equity of a business in Saskatchewan, unless the total investment is CD$1 million or higher.
- Applicant’s commitment to provide active and on-going participation in the day-to-day management and direction of the business; and
The creation of two employment opportunities in Saskatchewan for Canadians or permanent residents who are not related to the applicant. This only applies if the applicant is establishing a new business in Regina or Saskatoon.
2. Saskatchewan Farmers Immigration Program
Program requirements:
- Applicants must have net assets of CD$500,000.
- Applicants must provide a deposit of CD$75,000 to the Government of SK which will be refunded when they meet the conditions mentioned in the agreement signed with government.
- Applicants must invest in a farm which has minimum revenue of CD$10,000 per year.
- Applicants have to undertake a comprehensive exploratory visit to Saskatchewan for no less than five working days. They must meet the government representatives during this visit.
- Applicants need to provide documentation (e.g. education and training, work experience, financial documents of previous farming operations) that demonstrates that the applicant is an experienced farm operator. If necessary, the government may verify this information further through an interview when the applicant visits Saskatchewan.
3. Young Farmers Stream – Farm owners and operators
The Young Farmer Stream of Farm Owners and Operators category was created to allow young farm families to establish their lives and farming operations in rural areas of Saskatchewan.
Program requirements:
- Applicants must have net assets of at least CD$300,000 that can be confirmed.
- Essential to show accumulation of wealth as well.
- Be under the age of 40 years.
- Have at least three years of experience in:
- Farm ownership
- Farm management or
- Practical farming experience
- Applicant must have a detailed business plan. The farming proposal should be a commercial project with a reasonable expectation of profit. In Saskatchewan, a qualified farming business must have a minimum of CD$10,000 annual revenue. Hobby farms don’t qualify.
- In addition, the applicant or spouse must have marketable employment skills, based on education and experience that allows the applicant or spouse to supplement the farming income.
4. International Graduate Entrepreneur Category
Program requirements:
- Applicants must have studied for two years full-time at a post-secondary educational institution in Saskatchewan.
- Applicants must have post-graduate work permit for 36 months and apply for Expression of Interest (EOI) before the completion of 12 months.
- Applicants must have a minimum IELTS score of 6 bands in each individual category.
- Applicants must establish a new business or purchase an existing business in Saskatchewanwith minimum ownership of 34%.
- Applicants must actively own and operate a business in Saskatchewan for at least one year prior to applying under this category.
- Applicants must show that the business is generating minimum revenue after one year of operation.
- Applicants must make a verifiable investment either from their own source or other eligible sources.
- Applicants must provide a detailed business plan.
If an applicant meets the minimum criteria, he/she will be called for an interview. On passing the interview, applicant will be required to sign a business performance agreement with the Saskatchewan government.