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Citizenship by Investment in Grenada


The Grenada Citizenship by Investment Program is becoming very popular among HNIs globally owning to its straightforward application process, fast outcome and quality of real estate offered. It is also an inexpensive and easy pathway for obtaining E2 Treaty visa of USA and doing business in USA.

Grenada Citizenship by Investment Program requirements:

  • Anyone over the age of 18 years of age
  • Have no criminal record
  • Be in good health
  • Have a legal source of funds

Applications for citizenship of Grenada under the Citizenship by Investment program have to be made through an authorized agent only.

Processing time is between 90-120 days

Under this program, applicants can only make two types of investments to obtain citizenship or permanent residence:

  1. They must make a one-time contribution to the National Transformation Fund (NTF)


  1. They must invest in an approved real estate project in Grenada

Option 1 – National Transformation Fund (NTF):

The National Transformation Fund (NTF) is a Government fund responsible for financing projects that will benefit the country’s economy and help its diversification.

Applicants who choose to invest in NTF must make a one-time contribution to the fund. The contribution amount is US$ 235,000 for a single applicant and for a family of four. For each additional dependent after the third dependent, the main applicant must contribute an additional amount of US$25,000,  USD $50,000 per parent / grandparent aged 55 and under and USD $75,000 per sibling.

Updated March 2025 – Under this option, applicants may either immediately apply for citizenship, or first apply for permanent residence and then apply for citizenship at a later stage.

In addition to the fund contribution, applicants will also be required to pay application fees, due diligence fees and processing fees.

Option 2 – Investing in real estate:

The second option by which applicants can obtain citizenship of Grenada is by making an investment of at least US$270,000 in a government-approved real estate project or invest US$350,000 in a non-government approved real estate project.

The government approved real estate projects include:

  • Hotels
  • Villas
  • Resorts

Since tourism is booming and an increasing number of tourists are visiting this island nation, demand for hotels and resort facilities is high. Thus, investors investing in the aforementioned real estate projects can expect high returns on their investment.

This real estate must be kept for at least three years following the granting of

Grenada citizenship for Indian.

Besides the real estate investment amount, applicants will also be required to pay the necessary government fees, application fees, due diligence fees and processing fees.

Benefits of Grenada Citizenship by Investment Program:

  • Citizenship for life under both programs and no age restriction
  • Citizenship may be extended to family members such as a spouse, dependent children, and dependent parents
  • Right to live and work in Grenada at all times for all family members who have obtained citizenship
  • Citizens eligible to apply for USA E-2 visa to live and do business in USA
  • Visa free travel to over 120 countries around the world including China and Russia. Can visit UK for 60 days and Europe for 30 days
  • Applicants can hold dual citizenship
  • No interview, education, or management or business experience required
  • No requirement to reside in Grenada before or after citizenship is granted
  • Reduced fees for undergraduate university education for children

Additional benefits:

  • No income tax on worldwide income but income earned in Grenada is taxed
  • No wealth, gift, inheritance, or capital gains tax
  • No restriction on the repatriation of profits and imported capital

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