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The Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Program is becoming very popular among HNIs globally owning to its straightforward application process, fast outcome and quality of real estate offered

1. The National Development Fund (NDF):

When applying for citizenship under the NDF investment option, applicants are required to make a minimum one-time contribution of US$100,000 to the National Development Fund per application.A single application may include the main applicant, spouse, dependent children and dependent parents over 65 years of age with no additional NDF contribution required for a family of four or less.For an application that includes more than five persons, NDF contribution amount increases to US$125,000.Government and due diligence fees are payable for each individual included in the application.The payable fees are as follows:A. For a single applicant, or a family of 4 or less 

  • US$100,000 contribution
  • Processing fees: US$30,000

B. Family of 5 or more

    • US$125,000 contribution
    • Processing fees: US$30,000, plus an incremental amount of USD 15,000 from the 5th dependent onwards.

2. Real Estate:

Under this option, applicants can apply for citizenship by making an investment in a designated, officially approved real estate with a value of at least US$200,000.

In addition to the real estate investment, applicants are also required to pay the necessary government processing fees and due diligence fees.

The fee structure is as follows:

Processing fees:

Main applicant – US$50,000

Spouse – US$50,000

Each dependent under 18 years – US$25,000

Each dependent aged between 18 to 30 years – US$30,000

 The Government of Antigua & Barbuda permits two or more applicants to apply for citizenship by investing together and executing a binding sale and purchase agreement of an approved real estate. In such a case, each main applicant is required to make a minimum investment of US$200,000. Other government processing fees and due diligence fees also apply.

The real estate cannot be re-sold until 5 years after the purchase, unless it is replaced by purchasing an alternate officially approved real estate property in the island nation.

3. Business Investment:

  • Under this option, a single applicant or multiple applicants can apply for citizenship.The two business investment options are:
    • A single person making an investment of at least US$1,500,000 (1.5 million) in an approved business.
    • At least two persons propose to make a joint investment of at least US$5,000,000 in an approved business, with each individual contributing at least US$400,000 to the joint investment.

    The business investment has to be first approved by the Citizenship and Investment Unit (CIU) before the application can be considered for citizenship.

    After the application is submitted, applicants are required to pay due diligence fees, passport fees and other government fees.

    The fee structure is as follows:

    Main Applicant – US$7,500

    Spouse – US$7,500

    Dependent Child aged 12-17 years – US$2,000

    Dependent Child aged 18-30 years – US$4,000

    Dependent Parent aged over 55 years – US$4,000

Benefits of Antigua & Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Program:

  • Visa free travel to over 135 countries
  • Simple, streamlined application process
  • No minimum net worth requirements or previous business experience needed
  • No minimum age, language or education requirements
  • One-time contribution and no hidden costs
  • Permits dual nationality
  • Citizenship obtained for life
  • Once citizenship is obtained, investor has the right to reside permanently on the islands. Alternatively, new citizens have to spend at least five days in the five years following granting of citizenship

Requirements of Antigua & Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Program:

  • Anyone above the age of 18 years can apply for this program
  • Applicants should have no criminal record

All applications under the Citizenship by Investment program have to be made through an authorized/licensed agent.

Processing time is generally 6 months in most cases.

There are three options available for investors to make an investment:

Additional benefits:

  • No property taxes
  • No personal income tax but corporate tax on business on the island
  • No property transfer taxes
  • No management fees
  • No monthly association fees

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